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Switches for toggling a value between two states

import { Switch } from "@formatomus/headlessui";

<Switch />;

The <Switch /> component includes all the props and namespaces the regular HeadlessUI <Switch /> component has, while automatically registering the component to the useForm hook context.

Ensure the component is wrapped in the <FormElement /> component so that is it registered to your useForm hook context correctly.


The HeadlessUI Switch component will always register as a controlled input


Please refer to the HeadlessUI docs for their Switch component, you can still achieve everything demonstrated there.

We just simply wrap it with the useForm register logic for you!

Error Handling

Namespace crossover?

You may notice that HeadlessUI exports a <Switch.Label /> component for adding an accessible label to the switch.

While Formatomus also exports <FormElement.Label /> for the same functionality, it is up to you which one you would like to use here (they both perform in the same way).

For example:

import { FormElement } from "@formatomus/core";
import { Switch } from "@formatomus/headlessui";

<FormElement name="switch">
<Switch />

Component API

Please refer to the HeadlessUI docs for their Switch component


However you can't use the props id, onChange, onBlur, checked, ref, value, name, defaultChecked as these are handled by React Form Hook